![Banner](https://i.imgur.com/WL6QeUA.png) NPCLib – Basic non-player character library.
= This is an API made specifically for spigot servers (Minecraft). Current supported versions: **1.8 R2 - latest**. Lightweight replacement for Citizens. NPCLib only uses packets instead of registering the entity in the actual Minecraft server. NPCLib has basic support for 1.7.10, as it not currently support multi-line text for this version (yet). ## Credits ### [TinyProtocol](https://github.com/aadnk/ProtocolLib/tree/master/modules/TinyProtocol) by Kristian Stangeland I used this module of ProtocolLib to intercept packets sent by players whilst interacting with NPCs. After retrieving the data from these packets, I can call a new [NPCInteractEvent](https://github.com/JitseB/NPCLib/blob/master/commons/src/main/java/net/jitse/npclib/events/NPCInteractEvent.java). ### [MineSkin](https://mineskin.org) by Haylee Schäfer I integrated MineSkin into NPCLib as an easy way for developers to give NPCs a custom skin without buying multiple Minecraft accounts or saving the skin data themselves. ### [bStats](https://bstats.org) by Bastian Oppermann I use bStats to see how much server are using NPCLib, keeps me motivated and gives me insight in which version are used most. You can see the statistics of NPCLib [here](https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/JMB-NPCLib).